InInfoSec Write-upsbyKrishna KumarStored XSS Filter Bypass in the Skills sectionInspired by my recent post on LinkedIn, I’m excited to share my first-ever write-up on Medium. In this article, I’ll take you through my…Aug 16, 20238Aug 16, 20238
Ahmad A AbdullaAI helped me get $500 bounty with just one line of codeOne of the special HackerOne programs invited me. I worked on it for more than a week and couldn’t find any bugs. Although it had a very…Aug 11, 20231Aug 11, 20231
Utkarsh AgrawalCookie-based-injection XSS making exploitable with-out exploiting other Vulns.Hi all,Oct 22, 2018Oct 22, 2018
InGeek CulturebyThexssratFingerprinting a webserver + finding new web applicationsTools, methodology and thoughtsJun 27, 20211Jun 27, 20211
Pawan ChhabriaHow I chained multiple bugs to maximize the impact (Default Credentials -> Reverse Connection->…Hello All, In the previous blog post, we saw how basic recon on Shodan helped us in finding tomcat service which was running on port 8082…Apr 1, 20231Apr 1, 20231
Abdelrahman KhaledFrom phpinfo page to many P1 bugs and RCE. [Symfony][Symfony]: is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework to build web applications, APIs, microservices and web servicesSep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
RavaanRevealing my Private tool for Instant Bounties[Find Sensitive Info]What is this all about?Apr 6, 20233Apr 6, 20233
Manas HarshHacking with cURL: Unleash the CLI beastCurl, or client URL is a command line tool that enables data exchange between a device and a server through a terminal. We can use this…Jan 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023
InInfoSec Write-upsby0xLittleSpidyIndia’s Aadhar card source code disclosure via exposed .svn/wc.dbHi Guys, I recently found a .svn/wc.db folder exposed on a, and used it to reconstruct the Web app’s source code. I…Jan 2, 20232Jan 2, 20232
InInfoSec Write-upsbyCyberSec_SaiHow I Earned My First Bug Bounty Reward of $1000In this article, I want to discuss about my journey of making $1000 dollars from Bug Bounty program and the lessons I learned through this…Dec 28, 202211Dec 28, 202211
RavaanHow I hacked 100s of pedophiles. (Warning: Explicit)So a bit of background. Pedophiles are people who are sexually attracted to children. I don’t need any more explanation to make you…Dec 3, 20214Dec 3, 20214
RavaanAdobe bug bounty using IDOR, Confidential data leaksI hacked adobe using IDOR, and got thisMar 18, 20223Mar 18, 20223
InSystem WeaknessbyRavaanUnited Nations bug bounty[writeup]Let’s get to the point, how can you hack the UN and get your name featured in the prestigious hall of fame? Lemme show you a guaranteed…Apr 15, 20225Apr 15, 20225
RavaanMy Blackhat stories- How I hacked a college and paid my friend's feesIntro:May 25, 202211May 25, 202211
Satya PrakashTop 10 Exploited Vulnerabilities in 2022All the below-mentioned are the top 10 vulnerabilities exploited in recent years and attracted all other security researchers and bug…Dec 10, 2022Dec 10, 2022
ThexssratXSS made easy for testers, developers and managersLet’s explore XSS but in a way that everyone can understandMay 5, 2021May 5, 2021
InInfoSec Write-upsbyChirag SoniEmail Verification Bypass- A Strange Case!Hey, What’s Up Fellow Hackers, hope you are staying safe and utilizing this (WFH or Online Classes ) time to increase your knowledge. So…Apr 30, 20212Apr 30, 20212
Ahmed AlwardaniPentest AWS Credentials That Had Been LeakedAWS Credentials That Had Been LeakedSep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020